I got in trouble for feeding the trolls yesterday....oops!!
This horrific heat is going to kick our asses at the horse show this weekend. Whewwwwie!! Still looking forward to it though, gonna be a blast!! For the first time ever, we wimped out and got a hotel room for the a/c though. Usually we sleep in the sleeper of the trailer, but with this heat, we would never get any rest. Hotel has a pool too, so Papoose #2 is pretty stoked.
Papoose #2 started marching band practice yesterday, and added cross country beginning today. Her first day out and she had something happen that she's never had happen before. Something about the shoes she was wearing didn't mesh well for her, and she has a blister on EACH of her poor little feet. The blisters are on the inside of her arch, towards the ball of her foot but still on the arch, and they are about two inches long and an inch wide. They are HORRIBLE. So now what do we do for her??? She has marching band and cross country every damn day. What now????? Poor thing.
Papoose #1 is moving into her apartment today. They made her Resident Leader at the dorm she really wanted bad. It's actually a regular apartment complex just off campus that the school bought and made a part of campus. They have a pool and everything. She is beyond happy.
I can't believe that is the same little girl that used to dance to Barney songs in my living room.............
There I go again, crying. Sheesh.
Can't Get Right went on his first trip to the farm last night. He had fun, but man, he is not afraid of anything, so we have to watch him like a hawk. The horses are used to dogs, but with his smunched in face, they weren't too sure just WHAT he was. It was a hoot.
I love to sit in the yard with the dogs in the mornings and drink my coffee. I cannot wait till the weather is a little more comfy for that. I love the fall when I can put a sweatshirt and sweats on and snuggle up out there with my coffee. I am NOT a hot weather kinda girl. Goodlordamighty.
I was a bitch to The Real Deal again last night. It sorta started out as a misunderstanding, but then he pissed me off and I was a real shit. Then of course I refused to back down on it and made it worse. I would never date me. Ugh.
TRD had to give Papoose #2's ex boyfriend a pep talk at the store yesterday, because he was so down and hang dog. He explained to him about how a guy can't be all over a girl and let her think that he is at her beck and call, or the whole balance of respect just isn't there and she will walk all over him and use him. He is right. He did point out that it can be the opposite too, where the guy does that to the girl, but that in this instance, as a nice guy, he needs to learn how to handle these situations. TRD is right on. He is the first guy I have ever had in my life that has a perfect hand at hitting the fine line of spoiling me and treating me like a princess, but not letting me get away with being a bitch either. I've always either been in relationships where I was treated like crap by the guy, or in one where I walked all over a guy. I'm really glad that he talked to the kid about these things, and I think the kid was rather shocked at the angle TRD came at it from, considering his relationship with me and with Papoose #2, the heart breaker. TRD is a good guy.
Poor Papoose #2 is asleep under my spare desk again. Such a good kid.
Ok, have to work now. If anyone has any advice on what to do about her poor feet so she can stand to march and do cross country every day, PLEASE send it my way. I have no idea what to do for her right now......
It sounds like you have some very sweet kiddos. Question: Have you tried corn meal for the feat? I know it sounds sillie but I hear it works wonders for blistering.
ReplyDeleteYes, or corn starch powder. Something to keep them drier.
ReplyDeleteDang trolls......
blister pads! and don't pop the blisters.... corn starch is great... and if you want you could even go the Gold Bond route....
ReplyDeletebut i swear by the blister pads.... they are the best! will allow her to continue pain free